Franka Emika Panda robot

Algorithms of a 7-DoF redundant manipulator (2023-2024)

Motion Planning

We are developing a high-frequency model predictive controller (MPC) with obstacle avoidance capabilities. It’s almost done!

Motion Control

We have developed several efficient and robust motion controllers for robots with high degrees of freedom. Please refer to these publications (Jia et al., 2024; Jia et al., 2024) for more details. We will be delighted if the algorithm could be deployed on your robots.

Motion control algorithm (2024 ICRA).



  1. T-MECH
    Robust Precision Motion Control based on Enhanced Unknown System Dynamics Estimator for High-DoF Robot Manipulators
    Xinyu Jia, Jun Yang , Tian Shi , Wenxin Wang , Yongping Pan , and Haoyong Yu
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2024
  2. ICRA
    Enhanced Robust Motion Control based on Unknown System Dynamics Estimator for Robot Manipulators
    Xinyu Jia, Jun Yang , Kaixin Lu , Yongping Pan , and Haoyong Yu
    In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2024