Gspeed 2016

FSAE suspension system; Second prize of FSC 2016

In 2016, I was promoted to the suspension group leader and was responsible for developing the Gspeed suspension system.

Gspeed 2016 (left) and its suspension system (right).

We modeled and simulated a virtual prototype of the suspension system in Adams/Car software. It was expected to have excellent handling stability by optimizing the kinodynamic characteristics of virtual components such as springs, dampers, or links. After considering the effects on each assembly, the new suspension layout (i.e., hardpoints) was essentially finalized.

Simulation results for Gspeed 2016 suspension: "Tire lateral force VS slip angle", "Roll center VS wheel travel", and "Ride rate VS wheel travel".

When designing specific components, we applied the finite element method (FEM) in ANSYS software to optimize their shapes, weight, and load performance. Though lightweighting was important for race cars, reliabity was our primary design goal.

Design and optimization of suspension components. From left to right, they are the rocker arm, wheel hub, and upright.

How exquisite were these mechanical parts in the real world!

Rocker arm (left) and wheel hub (rigth) of Gspeed 2016.

During development, we also conducted a series of component experiments to verify their actual performance. For example, we used the DP460 adhesive to attach carbon fiber wishones to aluminum joints. In failure tests, the bonded interface was not destroyed until the tensile force reached an astonishing 36.83kN!

Snapshots of the carbon-aluminum bonding strength experiment.

The suspension was completed and assembled with other systems. We were proud of this work and captured many beautiful photos.

Front and rear suspension systems of Gspeed 2016.
Gspeed 2016 and its customized trailer.

In addition to gaining more expertise, I also learned how to manage a group of R&D staff (9 people) this year.

Suspension group (left). Team members on behalf of Jilin University participating in FSC 2016 (right).

In Oct 2016, the Gspeed race car was transported to the Xiangyang circuit for Formula Student China (FSC) 2016. A total of 69 domestic universities participated, and our team finally won a 2nd prize overall.

Gspeed 2016 on the Xiangyang circuit.